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Sick Leave & Long Term Disability

All TAs, GFs, and Sessional Instructors: one (1) month of paid sick leave during each semester of appointment. Employer will continue to cover benefits until the end of the semester.

ELC/ITP/ITA continuing Instructors: *new*: sick leave and long term disability equivalent to that for continuing APSA staff at SFU which is:

ELC/ITP/ITA temporary Instructors *new*: twelve (12) days of paid sick leave per calendar year.

If you are ill you are not responsible for replacing yourself; inform the department and they will do it.

Service PeriodEntitlement
Less than three (3) monthsOne (1) week (36 hrs) at 100% of salary
Three (3) months but less than one (1) yearFour (4) weeks (144 hrs) at 100% salary, then twelve (12) weeks (432 hrs) at 75% salary, then ten (10) weeks (360 hrs) at 60% salary
One (1) year but less than five (5) yearsTwelve (12) weeks (432 hrs) at 100% salary, then four (4) weeks (144 hrs) at 75% of salary, then ten (10) weeks (360 hrs) at 60% of salary
Five (5) years or moreTwenty-six (26) weeks (936 hrs) at 100% of salary 

If you are ill you are not responsible for replacing yourself; inform the department and they will do it.

Steps to use sick leave

  1. Realize you are sick.
  2. Email the Department (or Course Supervisor) to let them know.
  3. Get better.
  4. If your illness persists beyond three scheduled days of duties, the Department may request a Doctor's note.

It is illegal for your supervisor to punish or discriminate against you for taking sick leave under the Collective Agreement, if you have any concerns contact us immediately.

Other leaves

BenefitTAs, TMs, GFs & Sessional InstructorsELC/ITP/ITA Instructors
Domestic or Sexual violence Leave (new)Up to 5 days of paid leave and 5 more days of unpaid leave per calendar year for workers impacted by domestic or sexual violence. If necessary, an employee can take up to 15 more weeks of unpaid leave.same
Family LeaveUp to five (5) days of unpaid leave per each employment year to meet responsibilities related to the care or health of any member of the employee's immediate family.same
Personal/Short TermCan arrange to exchange duties with another employee for up to one week (p. 56).Leave for academic purposes if it benefits the employer, and if they approve.
Thesis Defence/Qualification Leave (new)same
Compassionate LeaveUp to five (5) business days of paid leave.Up to five (5) working days of paid leave, at the discretion of the Director; pay is prorated for continuing part-time employees.
Court Appearances/Jury DutyAll employees are granted paid leave for jury duty or when required by subpoena to appear in court. You must pay to the University any money received from the Crown for those times when you had scheduled teaching assignments.same
Maternity/ParentalFollows the Employment Standards Act, with no additional top-up from the Employer. Specific notice periods apply (see below); for those with seniority rights, it is very important to apply for leave.same
Travel AllowanceIf you are assigned outside of the Lower Mainland, you are reimbursed for authorized travel expenses and the University will maintain travel accident insurance. There is also an allowance for travel required between the Burnaby and Downtown campuses for a single appointment (no such provision exists for travel to the Surrey campus).same

** NOTE: There are a variety of notice requirements and commencement of leave regulations, read more on pages 52-55 in the Collective Agreement.

Maternity Leave or Parental Leave Details (pp. 53-55)

a. Birth Parent
A pregnant employee shall be entitled to up to eighteen (18) consecutive weeks of maternity leave and up to thirty-five (35) consecutive weeks of parental leave, without pay. If the birth parent has not taken maternity leave, they are eligible for up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks of parental leave. The parental leave must immediately follow the maternity leave unless the employee and the employer agree otherwise.
In the event the birth parent dies or is totally disabled, the remaining parent of the child shall be entitled to both maternity and parental leave without pay.

b. Birth Father and Adoptive Parent
An employee who is the non-birthing parent of the child shall be entitled to up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks of parental leave without pay. The employee shall commence the leave within fifty-two (52) weeks of the child's birth or the date the child comes within the care and custody of the employee.

c. Extensions - Special Circumstances
An employee shall be entitled to extend the maternity leave by up to an additional six (6) consecutive weeks leave where a physician certifies the employee is unable to return to work for medical reasons related to the birth, provided however, that in no case shall the combined maternity and parental leave exceed fifty-five (55) consecutive weeks following the commencement of such leave.

An employee shall be entitled to extend the parental leave by up to an additional five (5) weeks leave without pay where the child is at least six (6) months of age before coming into the employee's care and custody and if it is certified by a medical practitioner or the agency that placed the child that an additional period of parental care is required because the child suffers from a physical, psychological or emotional condition.

** NOTE: There are a variety of notice requirements and commencement of leave regulations, read more on pages 52-55 in our Collective Agreement.

Benefits During Maternity Leave or Parental Leave

ELC/ITP/ITA Continuing Instructors: on maternity/parental leave will be entitled to the continuation of paid Health and Welfare benefits by providing post-dated cheques to the university for the employee portion of the benefit cost, on the same cost sharing basis as before the instructor commenced their maternity/parental leave, during the period of maternity/parental leave.

TAs, GFs, and Sessional Instructors: on maternity/parental leave can pre-pay for their health benefits for up to two semesters following their last appointment, but this must be done in advance.

Beyond the Collective Agreement

If a student (or postdoc) is being paid out of a Tri-Council (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC) grant and is ineligible for employment insurance (EI), then the grant can receive a supplement of up to 100% of salary costs for up to 12 months to allow for paid maternity / paternity leave. The money for the leave is extra money from NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC, so it doesn't take away from the grant. More information can be found on the Tri-Council administration website.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)