See here for more information on TSSU's Anti-Harassment Committee (currently on abeyance).

Harassment Survey


In Spring 2013, TSSU conducted a survey of its membership's experience with harassment at SFU. The impetus for the survey came from the ongoing experience of members coming forward privately to TSSU to report harassment and seek guidance, but not wanting their experiences to be reported officially. The survey was emailed to approximately 1800 TSSU members on the all-tssu mailing list, and 315 members responded.

Harassment Survey Conclusions

Nearly half of respondents (47.8%) reported experiencing one of the harassing behaviours (see the table below) while at SFU. Most of these experiences were due to actions from students, but there's also a significant problem with harassment from supervisors. The vast majority (69.5%) did not report the behaviours, while 17.1% reported in some cases only. The most common experiences are slurs and jokes, followed closely by behaviour that causes you to feel threatened. The survey also reveals that our members don't talk to each other about these experiences: 47.8% reported experiencing them, yet only 39.3% report knowing someone else who has experienced them. Overall, the survey shows that harassment is a serious and highly under-reported problem at SFU.

Raw results posted below:

Question 1: Have you experienced harassment at SFU?

image of response to question showing 23.5% yes and 76.5% no

Question 2: A matrix which allowed respondents to select the behaviours they had experienced and from whom.

image of response to question showing % of different harassment experiences and their sources

Question 3: On reporting the behaviour.

Image detailing % of harassment incidents reported

Question 4: A matrix which allowed respondents to select the behaviours they had knowledge of others experiencing while at SFU.

image showing % of types of harassment experienced

*1  These numbers vary as respondents were not required to answer a question (i.e. they left it blank)
*2  The number of respondents here is calculated based on the number who reported experiencing some behaviour, not the total number who answered the question.


What can I do if I am being harassed by a fellow TSSU member?

The employer is legally obligated to provide a workplace free from harassment, which includes harassing behaviour by administrative staff, a supervisor, other faculty, a student, or a fellow worker. If you are being harassed by a TSSU member, please come to see us. As with any problem we encounter, we will take only the steps that you authorize.  In the event that a formal grievance or complaint is filed as a result, we will ensure that each member involved is provided with representation by the Union, if they so wish.

It is important to us all that we work in a healthy environment free from harassment. TSSU is committed to following all steps necessary to pursue this goal.

For more information on harassment at SFU or to get involved with the Anti-Harassment Committee, please email

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)